
General country description
A. First pillar: implementation of CAP reforms (2003)
B. Second pillar: implementation of RDP measures during 2007-2013
C. Vision for the CAP beyond 2013: a short overview of the debate (at Member State level) on future CAP reform
D. Literature, sources, references
The comparative analysis provides a compact overview of CAP implementation across all 27 Member States and their visions of the future of the CAP

General country discription

Comparison with EU-25

Population, 2005 (*1,000,000): 7.8


Population density, 2003 (inh./km2): 71

118 in EU-25

GDP/capita, 2005 (PPS): 7,400

32% of GDP/capita in EU-25

Share agriculture in total employment, 2002 (%): 11

5% in EU-25

Share Utilized Agricultural Area in total land area, 2003 (%): 22

46% in EU-25 in 1998

Average farm size, 2005 (ha): 21

19 in EU-15

Number of farms, 2005 (*1000): 118.1


Source: own calculations based on Eurostat

Distribution of farming types, 2005 (% of total)

Source: own calculations based on Eurostat

EU funding for the Single Payment Scheme (SPS)
and the second pillar, 2007-2013

* Funding according to CAP budget including Bulgaria and Romania.
Sources: Agra Europe (2007); CEU (2006); EC (2007a)


A. First pillar: implementation CAP reform (2003)

A.1 Single Payment Scheme


Bulgaria will apply SAPSfrom 2013

Coupling measures

No information.

A.2 EU budget for Single Payment Scheme (SPS) per year (National ceiling) 2005-2013

Source: 2005: EC (2006); 2006-2013: CEU (2006) and Agra Europe (2007)

Tradability of SPS

No information.

A.3 Cross-compliance: Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAEC)

Source: IEEP, 2005

Selected standards of the GAEC

No information.

Reason for selection of cross compliance standards

No information.

A.4 Further reform of market regulations


Bulgaria, as vine-growing and wine-producing country, has strong interests in the results of the future Wine reform. the main issues are the following:

Fruit and vegetables

Bulgaria is satisfied with the political agreement of the reform in F&V market regulation

Simplification into one market regulation

Bulgaria is satisfied with the political agreement to establish a Single CMO.


B. Second pillar: implementation of RDP measures 2007-2013

B.1 Programme level and approval

There is one national strategy and one RDP. The Rural Development Committee (consisting of representatives of the 27 Member States) has approved the RDP for Bulgaria on 20 December 2007.

B.2 Distribution of public budget over the axes (%)1)

axis 1: competitiveness

axis 2: environment and land management

axis 3: rural economy

Axis 4: Leader





1) Figures excluding Technical Assistance
Source: (Own calculations based on) Republic of Bulgaria (2007)

B.3 Integration of Leader in axes 1, 2 and 3

Leader contributes to all three axes (1,2,3) (Republic of Bulgaria, 2006).

B.4 Local Action Groups (LAGs)

With national funds and internal donor support, Bulgaria has established 11 'pre-LAGs' (Leader-like groups), which cover 4% of the rural population, and another 9 are in the process of establishment. It is intended to establish 50 LAGs in the 2007-13 period, covering 36,000 km2 or 40% of the territory of rural areas (Republic of Bulgaria, 2007: 205).

B.5 RDP budget 2007-2013 (million euros)

total public budget

% co-financing EAFRD1)

EAFRD budget

Contribution private sector

Total costs

National top-ups







1) % of co-financing may vary per axis
Source: Republic of Bulgaria (2007)

B.6 Less Favoured Areas

Approval of the designation criteria for Less Favoured Areas (LFA) is one part of the RDP approval process for Bulgaria as a new MS.1 Bulgaria has designed 328,000 ha as mountain areas eligible for payments (out of a total of 886,000 ha mountain areas) and 110,000 ha as areas with handicaps other than mountain areas (out of 449,000 ha).

B.7 Drivers of RDP strategy2

Fit within national policy.


1) Information provided by Helen Williams, Rural Development Desk Officer, DG Agri, European Commission, Brussels.
2) nformation provided by Doriana Milenkova, Office of the Agricultural Attaché, Netherlands Embassy, Sofia.


C. Vision on the CAP beyond 2013*

C.1 Stages in the development of the CAP debate

Is there a debate about the CAP beyond 2013?

In Bulgaria, such a debate is not yet on the agenda. The Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture plans to start a debate on the future of CAP in the context of the Health Check in 2008.*

C.2 Key issues in the debate

Contents of the CAP

* Information provided by Doriana Milenkova, Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands Office of the Agricultural Attaché, Sofia, Bulgaria.

D. Literature, sources, references

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