
General country description
A. First pillar: implementation of CAP reforms (2003)
B. Second pillar: implementation of RDP measures during 2007-2013
C. Vision for the CAP beyond 2013: a short overview of the debate (at Member State level) on future CAP reform
D. Literature, sources, references
The comparative analysis provides a compact overview of CAP implementation across all 27 Member States and their visions of the future of the CAP

General country discription

Comparison with EU-25

Population, 2005 (*1,000,000): 0.4

0.1% of population in EU-25

Population density, 2003 (inh./km2): 1,263

118 in EU-25

GDP/capita, 2005 (PPS): 16,200

69% of GDP/capita in EU-25

Share agriculture in total employment, 2002 (%): 2

5% in EU-25

Share Utilized Agricultural Area in total land area, 2003 (%): 34

46% in EU-25 in 1998

Average farm size, 2005 (ha): 1.2

19 in EU-15

Number of farms, 2005 (*1000): 7.2

0.1% of farms in EU-25

Source: own calculations based on Eurostat

Distribution of farming types, 2005 (% of total)

Source: own calculations based on Eurostat

EU funding for the Single Payment Scheme (SPS)
and the second pillar, 2007-2013

Funding according to CAP budget including Bulgaria and Romania.
Sources: Agra Europe (2007); CEU (2006); EC (2007a)


A. First pillar: implementation CAP reform (2003)

A.1 Single Payment Scheme


Malta does not apply the SAPS system, they applied the, 'old' flat-rate model from 2007.

Coupling measures

Source: AGRA FACTS (No. 18-07):Summary of different CAP Single Payment Scheme (SPS) models applied in EU Member States in 2007 c.

Reason for selection

No information

A.2 EU budget for Single Payment Scheme (SPS) per year (National ceiling) 2005-2013

Source: 2005: EC (2006); 2006-2013: CEU (2006) and Agra Europe (2007)

Tradability of SPS

No information

A.3 Cross-compliance: Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAEC)

(Source: IEEP 2005;)

Selected standards of the GAEC

Summary of farmers' obligations


Soil erosion

Minimum soil cover



minimum land management reflecting site-specific conditions

No sheet, rill or erosion gullies must be present Always plough parallel to contours


retain terraces

Preserved and maintained in good state

soil organic matter

standards for crop rotation where applicable

Crops belonging to the same botanical family should not be grown successively in the same year


arable stubble management

Not to be bruned in the field, stubble should not be ploughed before mid-August.

Soil structure

Machinery use

No machinery use when soil is flooded or water saturated

protection of permanent pastures



Minimum level of maintenance

retention of landscape features (lf)

Indigenous trees should not be uprooted


avoiding the encroachment of unwanted vegetation on agricultural land

Unwanted vegetation to be controlled trhough the use of appropriate weed control measures


EXTRA: Olive grooves

Olive grooves should be maintained in good condition


A.4 Further reform of market regulations

No information.


B. Second pillar: implementation of RDP measures 2007-2013

B.1 Programme level and approval

There is one national RDP. The Rural Development Committee (consisting of representatives of the 27 Member States) has approved the RDP for Malta on 20 December 2007.

B.2 Distribution of public budget over the axes (%) 1)

axis 1: competitiveness

axis 2: environment and land management

axis 3: rural economy

Axis 4: Leader





1) Figures excluding Technical Assistance
Source: Own calculations based on Republic of Malta (2007)

B.3 Integration of Leader in axes 1, 2 and 3

Leader contributes mainly to axis 3.

B.4 Local Action Groups (LAGs)

Given the islands' small size, no more than 3 LAGs are expected to form the regional set-up (Republic of Malta, 2007).

B.5 RDP budget 2007-2013 (million euros)

total public budget

% co-financing EAFRD1)

EAFRD budget

Contribution private sector

Total costs

National top-ups







1) % of co-financing may vary per axis
Source: Republic of Malta (2007)

B.6 Less Favoured Areas

In 2005, 100% of the Utilized Agricultural Area (UAA) (10,000 ha) was classified as Less Favoured Area (LFA) (CEU, 2005). In the RDP 8,500 ha is designed as areas with handicaps other than mountain areas (Republic of Malta, 2007: 210).

B.7 Drivers of RDP strategy

Fit within national policy.

Relevant policy documents are the 2006-10 Pre-Budget Document, the National Reform Programme (Lisbon Agenda), the National Strategic Reference Framework and the Rural Strategy Topic Paper (Republic of Malta, 2007).


C. Vision on the CAP beyond 2013

No information

D. Literature, sources, references

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