
General country description
A. First pillar: implementation of CAP reforms (2003)
B. Second pillar: implementation of RDP measures during 2007-2013
C. Vision for the CAP beyond 2013: a short overview of the debate (at Member State level) on future CAP reform
D. Literature, sources, references
The comparative analysis provides a compact overview of CAP implementation across all 27 Member States and their visions of the future of the CAP

General country discription

Comparison with EU-25

Population, 2005 (*1,000,000): 5.4

1.2% of population in EU-25

Population density, 2003 (inh./km2): 125

118 in EU-25

GDP/capita, 2005 (PPS): 28,900

124% of GDP/capita in EU-25

Share agriculture in total employment, 2002 (%): 4

5% in EU-25

Share Utilized Agricultural Area in total land area, 2003 (%): 62

46% in EU-25 in 1998

Average farm size, 2005 (ha): 54

19 in EU-15

Number of farms, 2005 (*1000): 48.1

0.7% of farms in EU-25

Source: own calculations based on Eurostat

Distribution of farming types, 2005 (% of total)

Source: own calculations based on Eurostat

EU funding for the Single Payment Scheme (SPS)
and the second pillar, 2007-2013

Funding according to CAP budget including Bulgaria and Romania.
Sources: Agra Europe (2007); CEU (2006); EC (2007a)


A. First pillar: implementation CAP reform (2003)

A.1 Single Payment Scheme


SPS dynamic hybrid moving towards flatter rates (one region) (EC, 2007b)

Coupling measures

Complete decoupling, except for special male bovine premium (75% coupled), sheep and goat premium (50% coupled)

Reason for selection

A.2 EU budget for Single Payment Scheme (SPS) per year (National ceiling) 2005-2013

Source: 2005: EC (2006); 2006-2013: CEU (2006) and Agra Europe (2007)

Share of the farms that receive SPS of the total number of farms (% of total)

estimate 99,99%*

Tradability of SPS

Yes - payment entitlements are tradable within the Member State (Denmark is one region)

A.3 Cross-compliance: Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAEC)

Source: IEEP, 2005

Selected standards of the GAEC

Summary of farmers’ obligations

Soil erosion

Minimum soil cover

within two weeks after harvest and no later than 1 oct, except if harvest is later then 1 oct; plant cover by seeds approved by Danish Plant Directorate; beetle banks and enhancement wild life possible.


minimum land management reflecting site-specific conditions

set-aside areas and agricultural areas maintained by cutting at least every second year

protection of permanent pastures


rules depend on degree of decrease (5 or 10%); cutting in July or August at least every second year; alternative is grazing if area difficult to access

minimum level of maintenance

avoiding the encroachment of unwanted vegetation on agricultural land

keep plant cover intact


EXTRA: set-aside management

maintain by cutting in July or August at least every two years; no cutting between 1-5 and 30-6


EXTRA: agricultural land no longer in use

maintain by cutting in July or August at least every two years; no cutting between 1-5 and 30-6; no use of pesticides

Denmark focuses on minimum land management by keeping minimum level of maintenance; national legislation implemented to support permanent pastures; underlying idea is protection of water environment.

Reason for selection of cross compliance standards

Especially protection of water environment.

A.4 Further reform of market regulations

No information.


* Estimate by Paul Hoffman, Danish Ministry Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries


B. Second pillar: implementation of RDP measures 2007-2013

B.1 Programme level and approval

There is one national RDP for Denmark. The Rural Development Committee (consisting of representatives of the 27 Member States) has approved the RDP for Denmark on 24 January 2008.

B.2 Distribution of public budget over the axes (%) 1)

axis 1: competitiveness

axis 2: environment and land management

axis 3: rural economy

Axis 4: Leader





Figures excluding Technical Assistance
Source: Own calculations based on Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri (2007)

B.3 Integration of Leader in axes 1, 2 and 3

Leader (Axis 4) only contributes to axis 3, but is expected to cover two third of the budget in axis 3.* In addition, Leader should contribute to the improvement of new approaches to governance and to the mobilization of the endogenous development of local sources and actors.

B.4 Local Action Groups (LAGs)

There is an intention to create approximately 50 LAGs covering up to 63 municipalities (compared to 12 LAGs in the previous period).**

B.5 RDP budget 2007-2013 (million euros)

total public budget

% co-financing EAFRD1)

EAFRD budget

Contribution private sector

Total costs

National top-ups







1) % of co-financing may vary per axis
Source: Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri (2007)

B.6 Less Favoured Areas

In 2005 30,000 ha was designed as Less Favoured Areas (LFA) (1.1% of UAA). These are areas with specific restrictions (CEU, 2005).

B.7 Drivers of RDP strategy***

Fit within national policy (please specify national policy documents)

Try to implement EU rural development priorities as an addition to the national policy


* Information provided by Poul Hoffman, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark, Copenhagen.
** Ibid
*** Ibid


C. Vision on the CAP beyond 2013

C.1 Stages in the development of the CAP debate

Is there a debate about the CAP beyond 2013? *

There is much public debate among relevant ministries, farmers organizations, consumers organizations and NGOs. In addition, citizens are also involved in the debate. As a means to conclude the national reflection period on the future of Europe, in 2006 Danish citizens were asked to identify the main tasks and problems of Europe. Three main concerns were put forward: (1) the procedures of the EU are too complicated; (2) control of the EU's money is too poor; and (3) the CAP is not sufficiently reformed.

C. 2 Key issues in the debate **

Components and role of the CAP

Organization of the CAP (1st and 2nd pillar)

Financing of the CAP

* Information provided by Lars Bo Larsen, Embassy of Denmark in The Hague.
** Derived from the note 'The European Model of Agriculture - Challenges Ahead; Danish views'.


D. Literature, sources, references

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